The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, received young athletes from Serbia and 20 other countries, participants of the Serbia Is Calling You 2024 camp, and told them on that occasion that Belgrade and Serbia were their home and that he knew they would always support Serbia in mind and heart.

‘The entire event Serbia Is Calling You is a wonderful event. This year again we have a record number of children from a record number of countries. I am very proud to be able to host you here in Belgrade, at the Palace of Serbia,’ said President Vučić.

Vučić recalled that this camp had been gathering young Serbs from all over the world for five years and stated that every new generation filled him with renewed joy and stronger faith in the future, a beautiful future of our people.

‘I am glad that you have already seen the Church of St Sava and Belgrade Waterfront promenade, and I believe that also you coming from America, Canada, Australia, from almost all European countries, including Benelux countries, Germany, France, Italy and all countries of the region, will grow to love Belgrade even more. And you, children from our country from Kosovo and Metohija and those who came from the Republic of Srpska, thank you very much for being here today,’ said Vučić to the children.

He recalled the verses by the Serbian poet Aleksa Šantić ‘wherever there is a Serbian soul, there is my homeland, my home and my native hearth’ and stated his deep gratitude for the opportunity, even briefly, to be part of this community.

‘Dear children, in front of me I see not only young athletes, but also future leaders, ambassadors of our culture and members of a big family that is connected not only by race, but above all by a huge love for Serbia. For the unaware, there are children here who play football, basketball, handball, volleyball, and tennis, they are very successful, some are members of their national teams,’ said Vučić.

He told the children that Serbia was not just a place on the map, but a feeling of love and belonging.

‘She is in our heart, but also in yours, in your every step, in your every victory and in every friendship you have made here,’ said Vučić and thanked the camp organizers for creating a safe and inspiring place where children can learn and develop.

‘Finally, I want to tell you that I am very proud of all of you. When you return to your homes outside Serbia, always keep in mind Šantić’s verses and my words. Serbia is always within you, because the Serbian heart beats in you,’ Vučić concluded.

The children offered the president a framed world map with marked countries they come from, while they received tablets from Vučić.

The camp Serbia Is Calling You has been gathering children from Kosovo and Metohija, from the region and the diaspora for five years. In addition to sports activities, the camp offers young people the opportunity to learn the Serbian language and to become better acquainted with the history and beauties of Belgrade.

Source and photo: President of the Republic of Serbia