The coronavirus pandemic has changed the fashion of marking the Day of the Republic of Srpska, but not the significance the Day of the Republic has for our people in the diaspora.

Although the Hellenic Republic is enforcing strict epidemiological measures which prohibit the gathering of more than 9 people, the Day of the Republic was symbolically celebrated today in the premises of the Representative Office by its employees and their families.

– This day is one of the most important dates in recent Serbian history. The day when the Serbian people celebrate freedom and unity and the day when we emphasize that the Republic of Srpska was created in peace and defended in war. Regardless of the circumstances, the Day of the Republic should always be celebrated, especially in the countries of our diaspora, because that is how we send to all countries a message of unity of the Serbian people and a message that no one can ever dispute the Republic of Srpska! – pointed out Jelena Jovanović, Head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Greece.

Source: RTRS