The event Serbian Days – Month of Serbian Culture in Hungary organized by the Eparchy of Buda under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik, opened last night in the Serbian Church Museum in Szentendre.

The President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, spoke yesterday with Metropolitan Lukijan of Buda, visited Szentendre and the Serbian Orthodox Church Archive, which had been renovated and modernized with funds of the Republic of Srpska and the President’s office.

Metropolitan Lukijan of Buda said that the event aimed to nurture Serbian culture and tradition, and thanked the sponsors as well as Hungary, where religious and cultural freedoms are enjoyed.

– I thank the sponsors, the President of the Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik and the Ministry of Culture of Serbia. I would like to note that President Dodik helped significantly again this year and donated funds that we will use for the promotion of culture. This help is not the first, and it will not be the last either – said Metropolitan Lukijan.

Opening the event, the Metropolitan of Buda said that the concept of culture was one of the most complex concepts for representing all the spiritual frameworks that formed a view of the world.

– We need not talk too much about the richness of our culture. Monasteries, the kolo, gusle, film and even Zmijanje embroidery speak about it. The works of our great artists such as Uroš Predić speak also, all the way until today – Metropolitan said in his address to those present.

BiH Ambassador to Hungary Biljana Gutić Bjelica stated at the opening of Serbian Days – Serbian Culture Month in Hungary in Szentendre that this was an event of symbolic, cultural and religious significance that presented Serbian traditions and customs in a unique way.

– It is a reflection of the good cooperation between the Serbian and Hungarian people. Serbs and Hungarians are friendly and Christian peoples establishing the vision of past, present and future cooperation – said Gutić Bjelica, speaking on behalf of the President of the Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik.

She noted that the Republic of Srpska President’s office supported this important event for the Serbian people for the second year that the event was being held.

Serbian Government Minister Đorđe Milićević, who is in charge of cooperation with the diaspora, said in Szentendre at the opening of the Serbian Days – Serbian Culture Month in Hungary event that the following month would be an opportunity for everyone to become acquainted with Serbian culture and history.

‘It is an honor and a pleasure to open an event in Szentendre that has preserved the culture of the Serbian people for centuries. We are gathered on the occasion of an important event, which aims to show the richness and depth of Serbian spirituality and science, as well as our contribution to life here’, said Milićević, who is also an envoy of the Serbian Government, which supported holding of the event in Hungary.

The event opened with the exhibition Uroš Predić in Szentendre in the Serbian Church Museum.

The author of the exhibition and the curator of the museum, Kosta Vuković, said that the intention was to show, in addition to Uroš Predić’s works, the merits of the Vujić family responsible for preserving some works of inestimable importance, which had been donated to the Museum.

– I use this opportunity to thank the Vujić family who donated these works to the Serbian Church Museum. For that, we present a Memorial Plaque to Rita Vujić – said Vuković.

The opening ceremony was attended by the state secretary of the Government of Hungary, the mayor of Szentendre, Mr Zsolt Fülöp, H.E. Aleksandra Đurović, Serbian ambassador, lieutenant colonel Predrag Zeljković, military attaché, Mr Ljubomir Aleksov, Serbian deputy in the Hungarian Parliament, Ms Čarna Milinković, director of the Museum of Vojvodina, Ms Vera Pejić Sutor, President of the Self-Government of the Serbs in Hungary, Mr Milan Đurić, vice president of the Self-Government of the Serbs, prof. Anica Pandurović, director of the Nikola Tesla Serbian Educational Center in Budapest, Mr Pera Lastić, director of the Serbian Institute and many guests.

Source: RTRS – SRNA – Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Buda

Photo: Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Buda