WIFI International (Department of the Chamber of Commerce) Vienna, in cooperation with the Representative Office of the Republic of Srpska in Austria, Innovation Center Banja Luka, Investment Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska and Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska has issued a call to all interested companies to apply for the project of connecting companies from the Republic of Srpska with businessmen in Austria.

Business connecting is intended for management and representatives of the companies interested in establishing business cooperation with companies from Austria, and having an interest to enter into a partnership relationship and cooperation in the following fields: export, import, representation, joint venture, etc.

The connecting project will be organized in Banja Luka and Vienna, Austria, in two phases:


Preparatory training for selected companies from the Republic of Srpska, consisting of the following modules:

Module 1. Training in the field of International – Brand Marketing, Strategic Planning and Risk Management. The module will be held in Banja Luka from 26 to 28 March 2024, in person, in ICBL premises, at Dr Mladena Stojanovića 4.

Module 2. Training in the field of Business Communication and Negotiation in International Cooperation Context. The module will be held in online format from 02 to 04 April 2024.

Final test

A short knowledge testing will follow after completion of the program (after the Modules), for obtaining WIFI certificate, which has the character of a public document valid throughout the EU. The final test is scheduled online on 4 April 2024.

The training aims to impart knowledge to the participants, which can contribute to their more efficient presentation to Austrian companies.


Upon successful training completion, the participants will have the opportunity to take part in an organized study tour to Austria from 27 to 30 May 2024, during which the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Austrian Representation of the Republic of Srpska, will organize business meetings for all program participants.

The deadline to apply for the program is 8 March 2024.

Please apply to: pr@rep-srpska.at
Contact persons: Mladen Filipović and Anđela Đurić
Tel. +43 1 512 126

To download the call with more details, please click HERE


Republic of Srpska Representative Office in the Republic of Austria (https://ba.ekapija.com/company/8010938/predstavnistvo-republike-srpske-u-republici-austriji)

ICBL Banja Luka (https://ba.ekapija.com/company/5086068/icbl-banja-luka)

Investment Development Bank of the RS Banja Luka (https://ba.ekapija.com/company/101300/investiciona-razvojna-banka-rs-banja-luka)

RARS (https://ba.ekapija.com/company/96508/rars)

Source: eKapija

Photo: Edhar/shutterstock.com