In a conversation with representatives of Serbian diaspora associations from around the world, minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations between the Republic of Serbia and the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević, said that it was very important to preserve unity, because Serbs had always been as strong as they were united.

At the second consultative online meeting with the association representatives held last evening, where he introduced them to the preparations for the Unity and Strength - Serbia event to be held on the last Sunday of August in the House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade and expected to gather more than 300 Serbian associations from all over the world, he said that by saying united, he was talking about unity within Serbia, but also about the unity of all Serbs living outside Serbia.

- All our compatriots who live outside Serbia, and that is why I think the name of the event and the big gathering to be held here in Serbia in the last week of August, i.e. Unity and Strength – Serbia, is completely adequate and appropriate - said Milićević, according to the announcement of the Ministry.

He noted that the Declaration to be adopted by the National Assembly defined clearly our peoples’ national interests and goals in the 21st century, making it a document of historical importance.

- And that is why I will speak and proudly emphasize a million times what has been defined in the Declaration, and here I mean primarily peace and stability, here I mean primarily the fight for our citizens, so that our citizens in Serbia and outside Serbia feel benefits from everything we do and accomplish as representatives of the executive power. Naturally this includes primarily economy as a national interest, because you are respected and esteemed according to your economic strength, economic stability, and Serbia is certainly ready to talk with everyone, we have no right to isolate ourselves and bury our heads in the sand, we must talk with everyone, both in the region and with our partners from the West, no matter how much some like it or not, but we must talk - said Milićević.

Source and photo: RTRS