The Investment Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska is organizing the First Investment Conference – Invest Srpska.
The conference will be held from 17 to 19 June 2021, at the Hotel San, in Laktaši. It is organized in six panels with the participation of renowned businessmen and politicians from the region, the European Union and China Development Bank.
The first panel discussion deals with the topic of Investment Opportunities in the Republic of Srpska, the second and third panel discussions deal with challenges of doing business and economic development financing, from the perspective of development institutions and commercial banks.
Naturally, discussions will also include technological development, directions and possibilities of economic development, as well as balanced development of the Republic of Srpska.
The IDBRS intends to make this event a regular annual conference for exchanging views and drawing relevant conclusions about the possibilities and directions of economic growth and development of the Republic of Srpska, especially in the context of current events and challenges, threats and opportunities for achieving these goals.
The 2020 financial and economic flows were certainly marked by the global pandemic caused by the emergence and spread of the coronavirus.
At this moment, there are still no reliable estimates of the real scale and consequences of the crisis caused by the outbreak of the pandemic.
However, what is certain now pertains to the need to consider and find new critical factors of economic success in significantly changed business conditions.
The conference is intended for decision-makers in the Republic of Srpska and BiH, business and academic circles which will contribute, for their part, to considering and shaping a dynamic and long-term sustainable development paradigm, adequate to domestic socio-economic conditions.
Given the IDBRS roles and responsibilities, the conference deals with and evaluates the possibilities of economic development financing, in particular from the perspective of national development financial institutions and the possibility of using the European Union pre-accession funds for these purposes as well as funds from other bilateral donor institutions and organizations.
The conclusions of this conference will certainly find their place in the strategic documents of the Republic of Srpska and provide reliable guidelines for further directing its economic and overall socio-economic growth and development in the turbulent, changing and above all highly demanding business conditions we are witnessing.
Source and photo: RTRS