The Head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Vienna, Mladen Filipović, said that the voice of Srpska was clearly heard in Austria and that country’s decision-makers were objectively informed about the situation in BiH.

– We have friends, we have partners, we even have those of a different opinion, but they all have all the information, they can respond. We are working actively to make the voice of the Republic of Srpska heard, to make the objective situation in BiH heard and to really have an objective picture at Austria’s political level, which is very important for us – said Filipović.

Speaking about economy, he said that Srpska had significant export potential and that our products were recognized as high-quality and affordable, and stated that the government’s tax policy had yielded good results and attracted investors.

– Austria is a great friend of the Republic of Srpska and BiH. It is one of the largest investors in the last 20 years. We even have a trade surplus with Austria and indications that more than 250 Austrian companies are already present here in our territory – stated Filipović.

- We are continuing our project implemented together with the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and Banja Luka Innovation Center, i.e. Fit4Austria, and I hereby invite our businessmen, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, startups to join this project, which has already seen participation of more than 80 companies from the Republic of Srpska - said Filipović.

Regarding the Republic of Srpska’s representation in Austria, he notes that there are clear guidelines and that exhibitors and businessmen have already been recognized at all fairs, and adds that again this year, the Republic of Srpska was represented with all its potential at the Vienna Tourism Fair.

- Thanks to Minister /Denis/ Šulić and his engagement, we have expanded the stand of the Republic of Srpska, which is very significant not only for Srpska, but for the entire region of Southeast Europe, because the Fair records more than 300,000 visitors - Filipović stated.

Besides economic activities in Austria, Filipović said that there was marking significant dates in cooperation with the Serbian Embassy, and noted the significant role of the Serbian diaspora, being strong and numerous in this country and achieving significant cultural cooperation with the host country, in addition to that economic.

- We will continue to hold forums in Styria, Graz, Innsbruck, Tyrol, Salzburg, Upper and Lower Austria. The representative office is based in Vienna, but we are present throughout Austria, we are in contact with our people, who are numerous, who love the Republic of Srpska. They are always there for the Republic of Srpska and this has been proven in the past and through difficult times - Filipović said.

Source: RTRS – SRNA

Photo: RTRS