The Union of Krajina Associations organized marking of the Day of the Republic of Srpska on 8 January 2023 in Novi Sad, and the ceremony pointed out that the unity of the Serbian people was important for preserving its survival.

The Head of the Representative Office of the Republic of Srpska, Mlađen Cicović, greeted the gathering saying that the Republic Day was the day when its citizens reiterated a message of peace and emphasized the importance of the Serbian people in this area being united, collected, because only united and collected we would ensure the future.

‘And we from the Republic of Srpska, each time when celebrating 9 January we first remember all our martyrs who built their lives into the foundations of our Republic of Srpska, into the foundations of our Serbia, and who gave their lives for the freedom and future of our people’, said Cicović.

He said that the leaders of Srpska and Serbia, headed by presidents Milorad Dodik and Aleksandar Vučić, had recognized the importance of unity and sobornost and respecting one’s past, and noted the very high level of cooperation between Serbia and Srpska in all fields.

‘That is why we mark together all the important dates in Serbian history, that is why we celebrate together the Serbian tricolor wreathed with glory and thus clearly show our unity and sobornost’, said Cicović.

On 09 January 2023, Subotica solemnly celebrated the Day of the Republic of Srpska, organized by this city’s Republic of Srpska Homeland Association, and the gathering said that the Serbian people had to be more united and collected, because that was the only way to preserve the future.

Attended by representatives of 14 homeland associations, Head of the Republic of Srpska Representation in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, and Mayor of Subotica, Stevan Bakić, and including addresses by officials and appropriate program, the ceremony evoked memories of the creation of the Republic of Srpska, with a minute of silence and a message that the memory of all Serbian victims who had given their lives for the Republic of Srpska had to be preserved.

The Committee for the Republic of Srpska Day celebration in Oslo organized the Republic Day celebration also this year.

Representatives of the Committee and Serbian Embassy then laid flowers on the central monument for the 2,368 Yugoslavians, mostly Serbs, killed by the Norwegian and German Nazis during the Second World War.

That was followed by a ceremonial academy, which started by intoning the Republic of Srpska anthem, and continued with a solemn oration that noted particularly the need to preserve the identity of the Serbian children living with their parents in Norway.

This year again, traditional celebration of the Slava and Day of the Republic of Srpska took place in St Luka church in Vicenza, Italy. Best wishes were extended to this year’s host, the family of Goran Petković, as well as the family of Jovica Marković, who continue the tradition.

Source: Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia - RTRS - RASEJANJE.INFO

Photo: Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia