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Srpska Parliament Adopted Pan-Serbian Assembly Declaration

The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska adopted the Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serbian People. The Declaration adopted at the Pan-Serbian Assembly held on 8 June in Belgrade notes the necessity of a Serbian national gathering and decides to hold the Assembly regularly, every two years, to discuss the most important national issues

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Themed Summer Camp for Diaspora Youth Opened in Zasavica

In Zasavica near Sremska Mitrovica, Minister without portfolio in the Government of the Republic of Serbia in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations with the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević, opened the first in a series of themed summer camps for young people from the diaspora, which will be held again this summer in 20 cities and municipalities all over Serbia. Milićević told the children of Serbian

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Klokić-Popović: Podrinje Project Is Great Development Opportunity

Minister Zlatan Klokić met yesterday with Nenad Popović, minister without portfolio in the Government of Serbia in charge of international economic cooperation. The primary topic of the meeting held in Banja Luka was the economic potential of Podrinje, which they agreed was a resource that might be of great importance for both the Republic of Srpska and

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Klokić: Improving Digitalization Sphere Benefits Citizens and Economy

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, said that the line ministry would work actively on improving the sphere of digitalization in Srpska, to make it easier for citizens and businessmen to obtain personal and other documents needed in daily life and business. Klokić said in Banja Luka that the Ministry under his helm had a coordinating role in

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Klokić-Milićević: Declaration Threatens No One; 9 January Still Republic Day

The Pan-Serbian Assembly and the Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights of the Serbian People threaten no one and are an expression of Serbian unity, said the Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, and Minister without portfolio in the Government of Serbia in charge of diaspora affairs, Đorđe Milićević. – We have not done anything AGAINST anyone, we have done something FOR

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Serbian Scientific Diaspora Gathering in Stuttgart

Serbian diaspora will gather in Stuttgart for Diaspora Meetings, an event dedicated to cooperation improvement in the fields of science, innovation and technological development, to take place on 17 June. The event targets experts working in institutions and organizations in the field of science, technological development and innovation, in particular those originating from Serbia, and persons interested in cooperation.

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Serbian People Strength in Their Unity and Solidarity

Minister without portfolio in the Government of the Republic of Serbia Đorđe Milićević attended the Conference of Umbrella Serbian National Organizations from the countries of the region held in the premises of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad. On that occasion, a conclusion was adopted unanimously expressing these organizations’ absolute support for the Declaration on the Protection of National and Political Rights and the Common Future of the Serbian People adopted at the Pan-Serbian

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Stevandić-Kainović: Diaspora Overpleased with Serbian Uniting Processes

The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, Nenad Stevandić, met with Ilija Kainović, M.D., a distinguished doctor from the United States, born in Prnjavor, and they discussed importance of the messages and decisions of the All-Serbian Assembly, held on 8 June in Belgrade. – A renowned US doctor, California-based obstetrician, Ilija Kainović, recognized for his merits in ensuring safe childbirth and

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Serbian Diaspora Medical Conference Opened

‘Fourteen years ago, I had a wish and a dream. I knew that our diaspora had a great desire to help our country, the same as they have today. I also knew very well how many esteemed experts our people had abroad, but also how great potential and knowledge our doctors in Serbia had, and I wanted to show it

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Klokić-Milićević: Continue Marking Significant Dates and Send Messages of Unity

Zlatan Klokić, Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, rated the cooperation with Serbia in terms of the diaspora as successful, and noted that significant dates for Srpska and Serbia would continue to be celebrated together, sending a message of unity. – Our goal is to gather our people and let them know that the Republic of Spska and Serbia are behind them wherever they are

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