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Cvijanović: Srpska and Serbia Working Devotedly on Strategic Projects

The President of the Republic of Srpska, Željka Cvijanović, said today that the Republic of Srpska and Serbia were working devotedly on the construction of a Banja Luka-Belgrade highway, Trebinje airport, and starting the construction phase of the large energy project Buk Bijela. After the session of the Council for Cooperation between the Republic of Srpska and Serbia, Cvijanović noted that she was satisfied with what

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Петричевић-Филиповић: Важно привредницима из Српске омогућити сигурно тржиште

Министар привреде и предузетништва Републике Српске Вјекослав Петричевић рекао је да је опредјељење Владе Српске и ресорног министарства да се унаприједи сарадња са Представништвом Српске у Аустрији да би привредницима из Српске који су извозно оријентисани обезбиједили сигурно тржиште и послове. Петричевић је навео да сарадња треба да омогући да страни инвеститори улажу у Српску,…

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Srpska Wine and Gastro Guide Available to Tourists

The Tourist Organization of the Republic of Srpska /TORS/ has published a brochure intended for foreign and domestic visitors in the form of a guide to Srpska’s gastro and wine culture. TORS announced that the brochure presented well-known dishes such as: cicvara, uštipci, sarma, polenta, beans, pies, lamb or veal roasted under the bell, roast pork and fish. - Since our

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Gouillon: Serbia is Truthful about Endangered Serbian Population and Churches

The Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arnaud Gouillon, said that the fact that Europa Nostra had included Visoki Dečani among the most endangered heritage meant that Serbia, the Eparchy of Raška and Prizren and humanitarian organizations had been telling the truth about the Serbian population and churches in Kosmet. - This means that

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Gouillon: After 20 years, Children to Learn Serbian in Russia from Autumn

More than 100 Serbian children will attend supplementary schools to be opened in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi in September, said the Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon. He notes that this is an outcome of his seven-day visit to Russia, which kick-started the affairs after more than two decades

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Joint Work of Two Ministries on Preparing Textbooks for National Subjects

The First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Serbia and the Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Branko Ružić, and the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, Natalija Trivić, spoke today (9 April 2021) in Belgrade about joint work of the two ministries on preparing joint textbooks for national subjects – Serbian language, history and geography. - We considered the ways to intensify our cooperation

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Support for Organization of Diaspora Forum in Prijedor

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, said that this Ministry would provide all necessary support to the city of Prijedor to realize a diaspora forum planned in July, and that activities had been agreed to present and position this city in the Republic of Srpska representative offices abroad.

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Klokić: Diaspora Register is Being Created

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, said in an interview for Srna that creation of a diaspora register was underway, as a comprehensive record of emigrants and their associations abroad. - To enable our activities to cover as many compatriots abroad as possible, the Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska

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Tribute to the Legendary Keeper of Zeitenlik

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska Zlatan Klokić told Srna that 1 May should see the premiere of a documentary entitled The Guardian of Honor and Pride, dedicated to Đorđe Mihailović, the legendary keeper and guide of the Serbian military cemetery Zeitenlik in Thessaloniki. Klokić said that Đorđe Mihailović was a very important historical figure ...

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