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Heart of Licider Festival Ceremoniously Closed

The fifth day of the Licider Heart festival, 19 August 2022, included a folk dance playroom on the main city square in Užice and a pottery workshop in Zlakusa, where young participants had the opportunity to learn about the traditional way of making dishes. The closing ceremony was held in Partizan Square with fireworks and dancing of a big ersko kolo dance on

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Licider Heart in Višegrad

The fourth day of the Licider Heart festival began on 18 August 2022 in Višegrad with a folk dance workshop held in Andrićgrad, followed by the Mayor of Višegrad Mladen Đurević’s traditional reception for the participants. The reception was attended by representatives of folk dance ensembles from Hungary, Turkey, Czech Republic, Greece, Serbia and Republic of Srpska, including also Srpska’s Representative Office in Serbia, organizers from the Era Association

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Višegrad Hosts Licider Heart Festival

Today, Višegrad will host the International Children’s Folk Dance Festival Licider Heart, which will gather 1,000 participants from 11 countries. The youth from Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Mexico, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Greece, Slovenia, Republic of Srpska and Serbia are taking part in the festival. The folklore workshop will be held at Byzantium Square in Andrićgrad at 13:00 hrs, and a reception for participants

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IDB Organizes Second Investment Conference INVEST SRPSKA 2022

In cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Srpska, the Investment Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska is organizing the second consecutive investment conference – INVEST SRPSKA 2022 from 5 to 7 September 2022, at the Prijedor Business Hotel in Prijedor. This year’s conference will be dedicated entirely to promoting the investment potentials of the Republic of Srpska, with the official theme Invest in Srpska.

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International Children’s Folk Dance Festival Licider Heart Opened in Užice

On 15 August 2022, the 14th International Children’s Folk Dance Festival Licider Heart was ceremoniously opened in Užice, and by Friday, 19 August, it will gather in Užice, Zlatibor and Višegrad around 1,000 participants from 11 countries, including three folk dance ensembles from the Republic of Srpska. During five days, children from Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine,

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Licider Heart in Užice, Zlatibor and Višegrad

Today in Belgrade, the Tourist Organization of Serbia presented a promotional video and officially announced the 14th International Children’s Folk Dance Festival Licider Heart, which will gather around 1,000 participants from 12 countries, including three folk dance ensembles from the Republic of Srpska, from 15 to 19 August in Užice, Zlatibor and Višegrad.

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Carta Serbica Program for Return of Foreigners of Serbian Origin

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, presented the Carta Serbica program in Belgrade, on the basis of which foreign nationals of Serbian origin can obtain a one-year residence permit and apply for Serbian citizenship. Brnabić said that those included foreign nationals who had been born in the diaspora or left Serbia

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Gouillon with Young Athletes from the Region and Diaspora at Serbia Is Calling You Camp in Belgrade

The Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon, visited today the Serbia Is Calling You camp in the Patriarch Pavle Students’ Home in Belgrade, which is currently accommodating over 200 young athletes from the region and the diaspora. On this occasion, Gouillon said on his social network accounts: ‘Today, same as last year

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Filipović: Interest in Metallurgy, Construction and Wood Industry

Austrian investors have expressed great interest in investments in metallurgy, construction and wood industry in the Republic of Srpska, and further contacts open the possibility for cooperation in other fields, said the head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Austria, Mladen Filipović. Filipović expressed satisfaction over Austrian investors showing interest after visiting Prijedor and Banja Luka

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Moscow Serbian School Teachers Visit Directorate for Cooperation with Diaspora and Serbs in the Region

Serbian language teachers of Serbian language supplementary schools in Moscow, Russian Federation, visited the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region. They were received by the director of this organization, Arnaud Gouillon, who boasted the visit and a splendid present. He received a matryoshka doll wearing Serbian folk costume and holding the alphabet.

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