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Day of the Republic of Srpska Celebration

A ceremonial reception on the occasion of the Day of the Republic was held in the Administrative Center of the Government of the Republic of Srpska in Banja Luka. The reception, hosted by the President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, was attended by the Serb member and chairperson of the BiH Presidency, Željka Cvijanović, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, Nenad Stevandić, Prime Minister Radovan Višković, ministers in the Government of Srpska, representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Russian Ambassador

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Развојна агенција: Унапређење базе инвестиционих локација

Развојна агенција Републике Српске у 2023. години има у плану унапређење постојеће базе инвестиционих локација како би крајњи корисници имали потпунију информацију и могли лакше донијети одлуку о потенцијалном инвестирању, изјавио је у интервјуу Срни директор РАРС-а Маринко Ђукић. Ђукић је најавио и рад на даљем повезивању инвеститора из Србије са локалним заједницама у Републици…

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Selected Izvor Literary Award Recipients

There were 97 works coming in from Serbia, Srpska, Montenegro and the diaspora for the tenth jubilee competition of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia and Žrnov magazine for the 2022 Izvor literary award for the most beautiful poem and most beautiful story about the homeland. Two authors from North Macedonia and Bulgaria also took part in the competition.

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Brnabić at Talents Together 5.0 Conference: Serbia Truly Strives for Youth Return from Diaspora

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said yesterday that Serbia had become a country that truly, and not declaratively, strived for the return of youth from the diaspora to their homeland. While hosting the Talents Together 5.0 conference, Brnabić said that in 2018 they had launched the Returning Point program, in order to have a forum for

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Žitomislić: Prosvjeta School Day at Museum

The monastery in Žitomislić received students of the Prosvjeta Mostar school of Serbian language, history and culture, thus symbolically welcoming students and teaching new generations after a fifty-year break and closure of the school that had existed within the monastery. – Since this is the last day of classes in the first semester for the students of this supplementary school,

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Vrhovac: Serbian-Russian Forum Is Great Opportunity for Domestic Businessmen

The acting director of the Investment Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska, Dražen Vrhovac, said last night that the Serbian-Russian forum, to be held next year in the spring in Banja Luka, would be a great opportunity for domestic businessmen. – That forum is a very significant event because there is interest from Russian businessmen, and we notified our top management and competent ministries

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Srpska Is Very Present and Recognizable in Nizhny Novgorod Region

The Minister of Energy and Mining of the Republic of Srpska, Petar Đokić, spoke in Banja Luka with a delegation of the Nizhny Novgorod Chamber of Commerce led by the Director General, Ivan Razuvaev. The meeting discussed the prospects for further development of Republic of Srpska’s economic cooperation with the Nizhny Novgorod Region, which is the counterparty to an Agreement on Strengthening Partnership Relations with the Government of Srpska signed back in 2018.

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Cooperation Agreement with Istočno Sarajevo Is Bequest to Future Generations

The agreement on the establishment of cooperation between Istočno Sarajevo and Niš should be a type of bequest to future generations to not forget the brothers on the other side of the Drina and to do everything to preserve the identity of the Serbian people, said the Mayor of Niš, Dragana Sotirovski. The agreement was signed yesterday (12 December 2022) by the Mayor of Istočno Sarajevo, Ljubiša Ćosić, and

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Banja Luka: Open Exhibition of Posters Created in Let’s Read Together Campaign

Works on the Let’s Read Together campaign are presented at the Plus Gallery of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Banja Luka. It is a campaign of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska aimed at promoting the Serbian language, literature and Cyrillic alphabet. The exhibition presents graphic solutions of the campaign, and the authors are students of the Banja Luka Academy of Arts and Trebinje Academy of Fine Arts. – I must

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Folklore Festival Brought Together Serbs from the Region Eighth Time at SNT

The native association Sava Mrkalj organized the eighth folklore festival of Serbs from the region, with participation of nine cultural and artistic societies from our country and the region. As true guardians of tradition, through dance and song, they presented their rich artistic program on the Jovan Đorđević big stage of the Serbian National Theatre. The audience could watch and

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