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Returnees 2023 – Meeting and Networking

On 11 November, two Returnees 2023 conferences were held in Novi Sad, through projects implemented by the Citizens’ Association Povratnici (returnees) 2022 from Futog. One of the activities was the organization of conferences, which brought together returnees from the diaspora, representatives of the diaspora, religious organizations, cultural organizations, citizens’ associations dealing with diaspora and motherland matters, and other public

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Reception Held for Liapades Philharmonic Orchestra and Representatives of Associations from Hellenic Republic

A formal reception was organized in the Government of the Republic of Srpska for members of the Corfiot Philharmonic Orchestra Liapades, on the eve of the humanitarian concert held in Banski dvor, in Banja Luka, starting at 20.00hrs. The gathered were greeted by Minister Zlatan Klokić and Minister of Health and Social Welfare Alen Šeranić as hosts, and addressed by

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Grozdić: We Want to Ensure Use of Serbian Language and Cyrillic Alphabet

After a meeting with the extended program committee of the Vuk Karadžić Scientific, Educational and Cultural Centre in Tršić, the State Secretary at the Serbian Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Vukašin Grozdić, said that the Ministry wanted to ensure future use of the Serbian language and Cyrillic alphabet. – We want to ensure that the Serbian language and Cyrillic alphabet will be in

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Bridges to Homeland: Journalists from Diaspora, Region and Serbia Connected at Unique Media Camp

During the period from 9 to 12 November, journalists from the diaspora, the region and Serbia gathered at the Bridges to Homeland media camp, organized by the office of the Minister without portfolio for the coordination of activities and measures in the field of relations between the Republic of Serbia and the diaspora. The camp was held at Srebrno Jezero and in Belgrade. The purpose of this event was

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Need to Make Citizens Aware of Benefits of EU Rapprochement

Global events in Europe and the world, the conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East largely determine public opinion. The reasons must be sought in the slow process of accession and in conditioning by the European Union. – It is obvious that the citizens did not remain indifferent to sanctions against our officials and increasing pressure from the West on Srpska. Surveys also show

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Building stronger relations between the diaspora and Serbs in the region with the motherland

Министар без портфеља у Влади Републике Србије задужен за координацију активности и мјера у области односа с дијаспором Ђорђе Милићевић одржао је радни састанак са представницима 30 релевантних удружења Срба из Словеније, Хрватске, Босне и Херцеговине, Црне Горе и Сјеверне Македоније. Ово је први у низу радних састанака чији циљ је израда будуће стратегије односа…

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Culture in Diaspora – Prosvjeta Vienna Presented Its Work in Bijeljina

The 30th Višnjić Days event in Bijeljina included an organized visit by members of the SECS Prosvjeta Vienna, who presented their long-standing activity in Austria to the people of Bijeljina and spoke about cooperation models and connecting Prosvjeta boards of the Republic of Srpska, BiH, Serbia, Montenegro and other countries. Before the beginning of the event Culture in the Diaspora, the vice-president of the SECS Prosvjeta Vienna, Srđan Mijalković, told journalists

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Invest Srpska in Teslić; Srpska’s Business Environment Most Favourable in Region

The third investment conference Invest Srpska, organized by the Investment Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska with the support of President Milorad Dodik, started in Banja Vrućica. The conference brings together the most important decision-makers, representatives of local self-government units, business and financial communities of the RS and the region. The Prime Minister Radovan Višković and Minister Zlatan Klokić attended the opening of the conference. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Srpska

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Third Investment Conference Started in Teslić

The Third Investment Conference of the Investment Development Bank of the Republic of Srpska started in Teslić. The conference Invest Srpska under the slogan Our Vision = Srpska started last night, and it is planned to end tomorrow. This year’s conference will bring together over 250 experts and industry leaders, and the goal, according to the organizers, is to jointly consider investments and strategies for

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Cicović: Republic of Srpska Presentation Stood out for Its Quality

The presentation of the Republic of Srpska at this year’s International Belgrade Book Fair was excellent, and Srpska’s stand stood out as a meeting place for lovers of good books with new editions and at the same time a place for the exchange of ideas and experiences of writers and science professionals, said the Head of the Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović. He stated that 34 publishers,

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