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SerbFest Held in Chicago

One of the largest Serbian community festivals in the USA, SerbFest, has ended in Chicago. The three-day event, which has been gathering thousands of participants for decades, aimed to present Serbian culture, tradition, food and music to the wider community with whom the Serbian people share their daily lives. SerbFest is organized traditionally at the Holy Resurrection Church in

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Training of Teachers Delivering Educational Work Abroad

The Institute for the Improvement of Education and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia organized and held systemic training for teachers seconded abroad and delivering educational work in the Serbian language for students of Serbian origin living abroad temporarily or permanently and having opted for this type of classes. This three-day

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Reception for Young Athletes Participating in Serbia Is Calling You 2024 Camp

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, received young athletes from Serbia and 20 other countries, participants of the Serbia Is Calling You 2024 camp, and told them on that occasion that Belgrade and Serbia were their home and that he knew they would always support Serbia in mind and heart. ‘The entire event Serbia Is Calling You is a wonderful event.

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Licider Heart in Užice, Višegrad and Zlatibor from 15 to 19 August

The international children’s folklore festival Licider Heart will be held from 15 to 19 August in Užice, Višegrad and Zlatibor, and gather young folk dancers from 12 countries around the world, announced the organizers at a conference in Belgrade. This year’s 16th Licider Heart will feature 1,100 children from Ecuador, Bolivia, Slovakia, Czechia, Bulgaria, China, Burundi, Tunisia, Moldova, Greece, Republic of Srpska

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Diaspora and Region Youth Camp Held in Šabac

A cultural and educational camp for youth from the diaspora and region is underway in Šabac, aiming to bring children together for the purpose of preserving and nurturing the tradition of folklore and folk creativity. Program host is the Jevrem Obrenović Center for Culture and Tradition Preservation from Šabac. The participants include 150 children from the Republic of Srpska and Austria, aged between 11 and 15, who

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Sajić: Gatherings Recall Importance of Togetherness and Preservation of Tradition and Culture

BiH Consul General in Stuttgart Vera Sajić attended today in Heilbronn near Stuttgart the opening of the Vidovdan Children’s Sports Games, which gathered about a thousand participating children, students of Serbian supplementary schools in the Baden Württemberg state. - I want the children to remember the message that knowledge is power and that no one can take it away from you. These gatherings connect us,

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Milićević: Important to Preserve Unity; Serbs Have Always Been as Strong as United

In a conversation with representatives of Serbian diaspora associations from around the world, minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations between the Republic of Serbia and the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević, said that it was very important to preserve unity, because Serbs had always been as strong as they were united. At the second consultative online meeting with ...

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Serbian House Opened in Paris, a Place Where Tradition and Modernity Meet

The Serbian House was officially opened in Paris today as part of the 2024 Olympic Games, and the opening attended by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, who cut the red ribbon, and the President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik. The host of the Serbian House, Danijel Nikolić, greeted the first guests and introduced the exhibition Roots by Dušan Jovović, who showcased the best ...

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Expanding Network of Schools Abroad Teaching in Serbian Language

The Minister of Education in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Slavica Đukić Dejanović, said yesterday that continuous work was being done to develop awareness of the importance of the Serbian language in preserving national and cultural identity abroad and establishing lasting ties with the fatherland. At the training for teachers seconded to work in supplementary schools abroad and carry out educational work in Serbian, Đukić Dejanović

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Marko Lopušina’s Trilogy – Published Third Serbian Diaspora Encyclopedia

The encyclopedia of the Serbian diaspora about Serbs in the Balkans has arrived in bookstores. It is the third volume of the trilogy about diaspora Serbs. ‘The first two are encyclopedias about the Serbian people in overseas countries and about Serbs on the Old Continent. This third volume completes my trilogy about Serbs in the diaspora,’ said the author Marko Lopušina. The publisher is the Official

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