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Gouillon: After 20 years, Children to Learn Serbian in Russia from Autumn

More than 100 Serbian children will attend supplementary schools to be opened in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi in September, said the Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Arnaud Gouillon. He notes that this is an outcome of his seven-day visit to Russia, which kick-started the affairs after more than two decades

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Одржан вебинар за компаније из Републике Српске

Представништво Републике Српске у Републици Аустрији организовало је данас вебинар у сарадњи са Иновационим центром Бања Лука на тему „Подршка извозно оријентисаним компанијама из Републике Српске“. Младен Филиповић, шеф представништва Републике Српске у Аустрији, говорио је о програмима који су на располагању компанијама у Републици Српској за подршку извозним активностима и приступу аустријском тржишту. На…

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Easter Customs – Ours and Throughout the World – New Competition for Pupils

Easter customs – ours and throughout the world is a new art and video competition announced as part of extracurricular activities. It was announced by the teachers of the Serbian Supplementary School in Berlin, Marija Aleksić and Mirjana Stefanović, within supplementary classes in the Serbian language in Berlin. The competition is open until 27 April to all pupils

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Gouillon With Serbian Diaspora in Russia

Supplementary schools of the Serbian language, to be attended by Serbian children living in Russia, should start operating in September in three Russian cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi, Arnaud Gouillon, Director of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, told Sputnik, during his six-day visit to Russia with a delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Tribute to the Legendary Keeper of Zeitenlik

The Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska Zlatan Klokić told Srna that 1 May should see the premiere of a documentary entitled The Guardian of Honor and Pride, dedicated to Đorđe Mihailović, the legendary keeper and guide of the Serbian military cemetery Zeitenlik in Thessaloniki. Klokić said that Đorđe Mihailović was a very important historical figure ...

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Support to Export-Oriented Companies from Srpska

The Representative Office of the Republic of Srpska in Austria organized a training for representatives of companies from Srpska to discuss the possibility of establishing and improving business cooperation at the Austrian market. The training, organized via the Zoom internet platform, gathered more than 30 companies with the main objective to support business entities from the Republic of Srpska which are export-oriented

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"Serbs for Serbs" Collected About EUR 1.5 Million in Donations Last Year

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the charity organization Serbs for Serbs gathered about 40,000 donors around the world last year and collected 1,422,265 euros in donations. In 2020, the organization delivered aid for 205 families with 643 children. According to its annual report, the organization implemented twelve large projects to help communities and organized 136 humanitarian events.

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Invitation to Online Training: How to Achieve Business Cooperation and Increase Exports to the Republic of Austria

As part of measures to support the economy of the Republic of Srpska and to overcome the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Austria will organize a series of interactive online trainings (via the online platform Zoom) in 2021 intended for economic entities from the Republic of Srpska on the manner and methods of achieving business cooperation and receiving support for exports.

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Srpska’s Promotional Video Won Third Prize in Japan

Tourism promotional video ‘Nothing much, but much more’ of the Tourist Organization of the Republic of Srpska won third prize in the category of best tourist destinations and regions at the prestigious Japanese World’s Tourism Film Festival. The Ambassador of BiH to Japan, Siniša Berjan, accepted the award on behalf of Srpska’s Tourist Organization

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