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Filipović: Quality of Republic of Srpska Products Recognized in Austria

Like other European countries, Austria is facing certain challenges and increased unemployment despite the measures of support of the Austrian government, says Mladen Filipović, Head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Austria, in an interview. Filipović added that most challenges lay in the tourism and hospitality sector, which naturally affected also the employment of citizens from the Republic of Srpska.

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Agreement Concluded Between the University of Banja Luka and Towson University from USA

The University of Banja Luka signed an Agreement on Cooperation and Academic Exchanges with Towson University from the United States of America. The agreement stipulates that the contracting parties will work together on promoting educational and academic exchanges, academic information materials and publications, and encourage mutual educational visits. This agreement was concluded at the initiative of Bojan Vujić, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United States of America (USA

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Cicović: Important Joint Fight Against Coronavirus

Since yesterday, all citizens of the Republic of Srpska and Federation of BiH can be vaccinated anywhere and anytime in Serbia free of charge, and receive a certificate, just like the citizens of Serbia. The head of the Republic of Srpska in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, told RTRS that yesterday already a large number of citizens responded to the invitation of Serbian President, Aleksandar Vučić. – This news is

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Ravasi: Sava Will Lobby for Serbian Interests

The first political organization of Serbs in the USA, the Serbian American Voters Alliance Sava, aims to lobby for Serbian interests and find American politicians who will be friendly disposed towards the interests of the Serbian-American diaspora, said the president and founder of this newly founded organization, Olga Ravasi.

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Delegation of Srpska and Serbia on the Problem of Serbian Returnees to Bosanski Petrovac

Delegations of the Republic of Srpska and Serbia visited the municipality of Bosanski Petrovac. The topic of the meeting was problems of Serb returnees to this Federation municipality. New funds for assistance have been provided by the Republic of Srpska, and assistance will also come from Serbia in the coming period. The Government of the Republic of Srpska has provided BAM 100,000 to solve the problem of infrastructure in Serb returnee settlements in

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Association of Serbs "Mihajlo Pupin" Founded in Norway

In the Norwegian city of Fredrikstad, another Serbian organization was founded in December – the Association of Serbs and Friends in Norway Viken Mihajlo Pupin. As the founders point out, the organization is voluntary, non-political and independent, and aims to nurture Serbian tradition and culture.

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Perović: Citizens of Srpska Need not Fear, Sputnik V Will Arrive on Time

The arrival of a new contingent of Russian vaccines was confirmed by Duško Perović, head of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Moscow, who pointed out that the arrival of 25,000 doses of the first component and the same quantity of the second component of Sputnik V had been announced. He noted that RS citizens needed not fear, because sufficient doses of the second component of the Russian vaccine needed for revaccination would arrive

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Adoption of amendments to the Law on Foreigners has faced foreign students in Slovenia, including BiH citizens, with a major problem. Namely, according to the amendment adopted in March, foreign students must prove existence of financial resources in the amount of EUR 5,000 in order to obtain residence permit in Slovenia. – This is not good only for new students who

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Bećković Awarded Prosvjeta’s Saint Sava Charter

The Saint Sava Charter of the Serbian Educational and Cultural Association Prosvjeta from Belgrade was presented today to academician Matija Bećković. President of the Belgrade SECA Prosvjeta, Milimir Mučibabić, presented the Charter to the laureate, noting that Bećković’s poetry figured in these turbulent times as an encouragement and a signpost.

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Children from Srpska and Diaspora Recorded Song on Nurturing Serbian Language

In honor of the Serbian illuminator Saint Sava, children from the diaspora and the region recorded the song and video entitled Negujmo Srpski Jezik (Let’s nurture the Serbian language), announced today the Office for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia. Recording of the song involved children from the Republic of Srpska, as well as children of Serbian origin from Denmark, France, Italy and Slovenia. All was realized thanks to the Children’s Cultural Center Belgrade and the Association of Music Teachers of Serbia, through implementation of the project Children to Serbia. Music teacher and co-author of the project, Aleksandra Stanković, said that the Children to Serbia project included Serbian children from the region and the diaspora, united in choral singing with their peers from Serbia. - At the time of the Covid 19 pandemic, when schools were closed throughout Europe and the region, ten children with teachers from Serbian supplementary schools in Denmark, France, Italy, Slovenia

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