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Serbian Days Event Ended

The event Serbian Days – Serbian Culture Month marked the month of October in our community in Hungary. The event was established by the decision and blessing of His Eminence Bishop Lukijan of Buda, in order to increasingly contribute to presenting Serbian culture in Hungary each year. Event’s main organizer was the Eparchy of Buda and its sponsors were the Office

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Professional Training of Artistic Directors Is the Only Solution for Improving Work of Cultural and Artistic Societies in Diaspora

The President of the Austrian Association of Serbian Folklore (AASF), Aleksandar Stanković, is actively advocating the accreditation of professional training programs for artistic directors in Austria and throughout the diaspora, to enable youth to receive education under the best conditions and obtain internationally recognized diplomas for this profession. Last weekend, he visited and greeted all the participants in the largest seminar for artistic directors in the diaspora,

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Cicović: Republic of Srpska Presentation Stood out for Its Quality

The presentation of the Republic of Srpska at this year’s International Belgrade Book Fair was excellent, and Srpska’s stand stood out as a meeting place for lovers of good books with new editions and at the same time a place for the exchange of ideas and experiences of writers and science professionals, said the Head of the Srpska Representative Office in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović. He stated that 34 publishers,

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Oplenac Nurtures Serbian Folk Melos

Ana Nedeljković Branković completed postgraduate studies at the Music Academy in Belgrade, and together with her husband Aleksandar Branković, arrived down under in 2017. She became involved in the work of Oplenac folklore group in Australia. She presents Serbs to their compatriots through a singing group that sings original Serbian folk songs from all Serbian countries, without musical aids, and several years ago

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Serbian Heritage for All Nations

The formal academy, Prosvjeta Days in Stuttgart, was held in the capital of Baden-Württemberg on the occasion of four years since the establishment of the board of the Serbian Educational and Cultural Society Prosvjeta Germany. The Academy was attended by many distinguished guests, representatives of Karlsruhe Serbian Cultural Centre, Srbac Women’s Association, Heilbronn Serbian Association, Frankfurt Association of Writers Sedmica, German branch of the Humanitarian Organization Serbs for Serbs

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The Children's Library in Serbian Language Opened in Graz, Austria

Representatives of the Serbian language supplementary school and chatroom in Graz, Austria, boasted the bookshelves received from the city administration, specifically the integration advisor Robert Krotzer. The library currently holds about 50 books. In the coming period, we expect the holdings to grow thanks to donations from associates. For the initial steps in building the library, we thank especially our

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Record Number of Visitors at Bambi Evening of Serbian Tradition and Culture in Vienna

More than a thousand people attended the traditional event Bambi Evening of Tradition and Culture held in Vienna, organized by Bambi CSA. The audience enjoyed a rich cultural and artistic program in which almost all Bambi ensembles performed – kindergarten, little school, pioneers, youth and performers, as well as guests – cultural and artistic society Branko Radičević Boževac, folk ensemble Kitka,

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New Beginning for Better Days

The new management of the Association of Serbs in Austria is working to achieve its goal of gathering Serbs throughout Austria and reactivating Serbian associations. Thus, a meeting of the Association of Serbs in Austria and the Union of Serbian Clubs in Styria was held in Graz, where the Union was reorganized after several years of stagnation. This enabled new organizations to join and now there are real

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Herzeg House Opened in Belgrade

У Београду је отворена четврта Херцеговачка кућа – продавница аутохтоне домаће хране. Херцеговачку кућу отворили су градоначелници Требиња и Београда – Мирко Ћурић и Александар Шапић и директор Аграрног фонда Веселин Дутина на атрактивној локацији у улици Макензијева 44. Градоначелник Требиња Ћурић је рекао да се отварањем „Херцеговачке куће“ на симболичан начин повезују Република Српска…

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Support to Serbian Associations in Italy in Preserving National Identity

Minister without portfolio in the Government of the Republic of Serbia in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations between the Republic of Serbia and the diaspora, Đorđe Milićević, visited Vicenza yesterday at the invitation of the Association of Serbs in Italy and met with Serbian community representatives in this part of Italy. On the Intercession of the Theotokos, Milićević attended the liturgy in the Church of the Holy

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