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Republic of Srpska Companies in Fit4Austria Project

On the first day of their visit to Austria, representatives of companies from the Republic of Srpska participating in the Fit4Austria project visited the Representative Office of the Republic of Srpska in the Republic of Austria. Today and tomorrow, B2B meetings are planned with representatives of Austrian companies aimed at establishing new business contacts and more efficient presentation. The Fit4Austria project is implemented by the Republic of Srpska Representation in cooperation with the Austrian Chamber of Commerce’s WIFI Institute

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Minister Klokić at Serbdom Days in Corfu Event

The third day of the Serbdom Days in Corfu event started with a liturgy held on the island of Vido led by the Metropolitan of Corfu, Paxos and Diapontia Islands, Nektarios, and abbot of Hilandar Monastery, Metodije. It is the first time after several decades that a three-hour liturgy was held in this specific place. During the day, Minister Zlatan Klokić

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All-Serbian Children’s Assembly – Sense of Belonging and Connecting with Peers

A concert at the Children’s Cultural Center in Belgrade marked beginning of the All-Serbian Children’s Assembly. The festival gathers children and youth of Serbian origin from the region and the diaspora with the intention of establishing a permanent connection with the homeland, developing a sense of belonging and connecting with peers from Serbia. Children of Serbian origin from Slovenia, Croatia, Romania and Germany came to the Assembly

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Desanka Maksimović Serbian Cultural and Humanitarian Society Held 25th Anniversary Assembly; Đurđevak Ethno Festival to Be Held in Celje

The Serbian cultural and humanitarian society Desanka Maksimović from Celje celebrated a jubilee, its first 25 years. For a quarter of a century, Desanka Maksimović SCHC, a member and one of the founders of the Association of Serbs of Slovenia, has been working dedicatedly on gathering Serbs from Celje, in addition to enriching the cultural life of overall population of Celje. During these 25 years, through its intensive

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European Festival of Serbian Diaspora Folklore Opened

At the opening of the European Festival of Serbian Diaspora Folklore, the Minister of Culture in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, said that in the 21st century, our people both in the homeland and in the diaspora were making great efforts aimed at preserving Serbian identity and culture. On that occasion, Selaković noted that Serbs not living in their country, but outside their motherland were the most vulnerable in this fight for national identity. He wished the participants to organize every subsequent European Folklore Festival

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Serbian Folk Dance and Song Ensemble Kolo Held Concerts in Slovenia

Serbian Folk Dance and Song Ensemble KOLO held two all-evening concerts in Slovenia. The concerts were part of the KOLODROM regional tour under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, and co-organized by the Association of Serbs of Slovenia and the Association of Serbian Societies of Slovenia. The Kolo Ensemble concert was attended by more than 2,000 people who filled Maribor’s

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President Dodik at Tenth Anniversary Celebration of Republika Srpska Homeland Community Subotica

The tenth Evening of the Republic of Srpska, marking a decade of existence of the Republika Srpska Homeland Community Subotica, started with the anthems of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska in Subotica with about 750 guests present. The President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, said at this ceremony that his policy and that of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, were firm and that in his perception Srpska

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У Паризу одржан концерт „Путовање Србијом кроз векове”

У организацији Савеза Срба Француске у присуству великог броја, прије свега француских грађана а потом и наших, Србија је имала прилику да у француској престоници за једно вече „пропутује кроз векове”. У величанством извођењу вокалне солисткиње Слађане Бороте и фрулаша Милинка Ивановића присутни су у велелепној и свечаној сали 16. арондисмана Париза уживали у концерту…

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Representatives of Seven Folklore Ensembles Staged Extravaganza in Freiburg

Organized by the Nikola Tesla Serbian cultural and artistic society from Freiburg last weekend, a big party of this society was held gathering folk dancers from three countries and five folklore ensembles for the first time. The hosts did not perform this time, but they cheered and enjoyed the performances throughout of folk dancers of Dobrosav Radosavljević Kikac cultural and artistic society from Basel (Switzerland), Božur cultural and artistic society

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Business Projects in Srpska and Investment Opportunities

Drvoprodeks from Banja Luka, Kodiakhem from Trebinje and Elektro tim company from Banja Luka were among the 500 exhibitors at the 48th International Building Trade Fair held in Belgrade under the slogan From Vision to Reality, organized by the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska with the support of the Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Serbia. Head of the Representation Mlađen Cicović says that every presentation of companies from Srpska

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