The Republic of Srpska Representative Office in Vienna hosted the presentation of the books Serbs in the Whirlwind of the New World: Serbia and Srpska Facing Challenges and Serbian Identity, and stated that unity, support and cooperation were the only way to preserve Serbian identity, sovereignty and culture in the context of many challenges and pressures at the international level.

The promotion noted the need for unity of the Serbian people and proper understanding of current changes in the world, announced the Republic of Srpska Representation in Austria.

The two editions Serbs in the Whirlwind of the New World: Serbia and Srpska Facing Challenges and Serbian Identity, i.e. Serbian Identity Criteria in the Globalization Process, were presented last evening by member of the Republic of Srpska Senate and sociologist Milimir Mučibabić and scientific advisor at the Institute for Recent History of Serbia Aleksandar Raković.

The collection Serbs in the Whirlwind of the New World: Serbia and Srpska Facing Challenges includes scientific papers by Mučibabić and Raković, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, Slobodan Antonić, Nebojša Vuković and others, and was published by the Serbian Educational and Cultural Society Prosvjeta Belgrade.

Serbian Identity is a collection of papers from the roundtable held in 2018 at the Vuk Foundation House, where participants included Mučibabić, Antonić, Matija Bećković, Ljubodrag Dimić, Milo Lompar and others.

Professor Milimir Mučibabić said that both editions were an effort by Serbian intellectuals to offer responses to the many pressures facing the Republic of Srpska and Serbia, and proposed a vision of how to protect Serbian national interests in the midst of an escalating global crisis.

– We need to end divisions and understand our main task in the global world, which is to fight for the Serbian identity, to preserve it at a time when it is threatened from many sides. Identity is the enemy of globalism, and we need to think about how to preserve and defend ourselves in the conflict between globalists and sovereignists – said Mučibabić.

He noted that the response to geopolitical challenges was to maintain and develop Serbian people’s spiritual and political unity beyond formal borders.

Historian Aleksandar Raković said that Serbia and the Republic of Srpska were facing serious destabilization threats, and that it was important to resist the pressures jointly and to show that the Serbian spiritual and cultural space could survive and defend itself against all challenges, as had been proved repeatedly throughout history.

The Head of the Republic of Srpska’s Austrian Representation, Mladen Filipović, said that it was important to have Vienna host the presentation of these two editions dealing through various scientific papers with very important issues for the preservation of Serbian identity, sovereignty and statehood in a globalized world.

– Book promotion in Austria is of manifold importance, as much because of the fact that a large Serbian community lives and is very active here, as because both books actually call for thinking about the current global political and economic turmoil and appeal for the unity of the Serbian people in preserving our identity and culture – said Filipović.

Source: RTRS

Photo: SRNA