Students of supplementary schools in the Serbian language abroad are staying with their teachers at the Vuk Karadžić Scientific and Educational Cultural Center in Tršić from 7 to 13 July.

The project Summer in the Homeland is being implemented for the third consecutive year under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, intended for students of Serbian language supplementary schools abroad and is completely free of charge.

The first of the three anticipated groups includes sixty visiting students from the following countries: Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Russia, the Czech Republic and America.

This year’s program is taking place through thematic and integrative language and art workshops, designed in cooperation with the Institute for the Improvement of Education. Workshop organizers are experts in the fields of pedagogy, language, folklore, music, drama and sports.

The themes of this year’s project are: We create in the Serbian language, we talk about our homeland, The whole world knows them, Serbia is proud of them; Remember always, I dance, sing, create – I talk about tradition and My Serbia.

As part of the program, the students will visit the birthhouse of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, Tronoša monastery and Koviljača Spa. Through daily language, drama, music, folklore and sports workshops, the students will acquire new knowledge that they will demonstrate at the final ceremony on the last day of their stay.

Source and photo: Ministry of Education, Republic of Serbia