The encyclopedia of the Serbian diaspora about Serbs in the Balkans has arrived in bookstores. It is the third volume of the trilogy about diaspora Serbs. ‘The first two are encyclopedias about the Serbian people in overseas countries and about Serbs on the Old Continent. This third volume completes my trilogy about Serbs in the diaspora,’ said the author Marko Lopušina. The publisher is the Official Gazette.

‘These are the only books about the Serbian diaspora in Serbia and the world containing references about prominent Serbian activists and Serbian institutions in the diaspora. There are 2.5 million Serbs living outside the borders of the motherland Serbia and our fatherland countries. The largest number, 450,000 of them are in Germany, and the capital of the Serbian diaspora is Vienna with as many as 200,000 Serbs. The worst position of the Serbian people is in Albania, as well as in Slovenia, where Serbs are included in the census from the phone books,’ added Dr Marko Lopušina.
