Љубав према фолклору и традицији преноси се с кољена на кољено
Екипа Програма за дијаспору РТС-а је недавно посјетила српску заједницу у Гетеборгу, у Шведској. Присуствовали су свечаном концерту у част 50 година Српског друштва „Синђелић“. Ево како Гетеборг изгледа ових дана… „Сада, добијамо јако пуно, ако могу да кажем, не похвала, али јако позитивно гледају на нашу дијаспору, јер виде колико смо ми имплементирани у шведско...
Новогодишња и Божићна приредба ученика Српске допунске школе у Берлину
У просторијама Српско-немачке заједнице „Младост“ у Берлину ученици Српске допунске школе из овог града са околином одржали су Новогодишњу и Божићну дјечију приредбу. „Уз помоћ својих наставница, ученици су припремили сјајна музичка извођења и приказали колико су много научили и напредовали у овој години. Свим нашим вредним ђацима желимо прегршт нових знања и успеха, уз...
Salzburg Serbs Celebrate Quarter Century of Association
On the occasion of 25 years of existence and work, members of the Cultural and Sports Community of Serbs (CSCS) Salzburg organized a ceremonial academy. They also took the opportunity of the celebration to thank the most deserving individuals, families and institutions that have been helping and supporting the work of the association for years. The very title of the celebration - 25 Years with You - speaks of the great importance
Alat CAS Performed at New Year’s Concert in Graz
The Trebinje City Cultural and Artistic Society Alat performed at the New Year’s concert Preserve Serbian Customs in the Austrian city of Graz, as part of the event Herzegovina Days in Austria. A member of the Trebinje CAS Alat, Tamara Šišić, said they were proud to be part of the first New Year’s concert organized by the CAS Sveti Sava from Graz.
Minister Košarac: Serbs of Herzegovina Preserve Traditional Values
Last evening, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in the Council of Ministers Staša Košarac opened Herzegovina Evening in Vienna within Herzegovina Days, saying that also with this move, the Serbs of Herzegovina demonstrated their desire to affirm the traditional values of the Serbian people with dignity at every step. Košarac said that Mostar Serbs were gathered around the Serbian Orthodox Church
About Forum
The Diaspora Forum was launched in 2018 on the initiative and under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik
About Forum
The Diaspora Forum was launched in 2018 on the initiative and under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, with the aim of establishing permanent mechanisms for strengthening economic, cultural-scientific and any other cooperation between the Republic of Srpska and Serbs abroad.
The forum is an opportunity for representatives of the diaspora from different countries, representatives of the political, cultural, academic life of the Republika Srpska, and church officials to meet and discuss topics of interest to the Republika Srpska, its diaspora.
The Diaspora Forum is the largest forum that brings together Serbs from the homeland and from abroad, as well as all foreign citizens who study the Serbian language, history and culture and who are interested in the development of the Republika Srpska.
What opportunities the Forum offers?
Participants of the Diaspora Forum are expected to participate in the most important forum that brings together Serbs from abroad ...
What opportunities the Forum offers?
Diaspora Forum participants are expected to:
- rich discussion program with the participation of representatives of institutions and experts from Republika Srpska and abroad;
- exchange of opinions with participants from other countries on ideas related to cooperation with Serbs abroad;
- visits to the institutions of the Republika Srpska;
- the possibility of asking questions to representatives of the institutions of the Republika Srpska;
- the possibility of scheduling meetings with representatives of the institutions of the Republika Srpska, businessmen from the field for which business cooperation is initiated, representatives of universities or institutions and organizations or with individuals or target groups from the Republika Srpska;
- consideration of the possibility of implementing your written initiatives related to cooperation with Serbs abroad (submit the initiatives by e-mail to the organizing committee);
- обнављање контаката или проналажење нових пријатеља и партнера;
- богат културни програм;
- упознавање са Србима из иностранства који су заинтересовани за развој сарадње другим појединцима из иностранства или са појединцима, организацијама и институцијама из Републике Српске;
- учешће на најзначајнијем форуму који окупља Србе из иностранства.